The Ontario Premiere of the dogumentary “Wiener Takes All”

m.e. law, singer/songwriter based in San Diego, California, presents the award-winning dogumentary, Wiener Takes All, at Wienerfest Home County Festival, Saturday, June 25, 2016, Embro Community Centre, Embro, ON.

inger/songwriter based in San Diegom.e. and her husband, Shane MacDougall, set out in December 2005 to produce their endearing documentary, Wiener Takes All, featuring dachshunds and the people that love them. The film premiered September 2007 at the Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, NS, Canada.

“We were so low budget we barely made a ripple and were given a Sunday at noon slot, usually death in the festival world. However, thanks to a local news story about our movie, we sold out the 300 seat theatre, turning away over 100 people. We were so proud.” said m.e. about the debut screening.

The ‘dogumentary’ has earned fans through showings at 40 film festivals across the United States and Europe, garnering 6 awards, being reviewed in Variety and selling over 1,500 copies online.

“The genesis of the movie happened in our living room. We saw a local dachshund race being highlighted on the news. We were captivated, naturally! We thought it would make a sweet film. As we delved in we found there was so much more to be investigated – scandals, in-fighting, back-biting (literally) – all of it either deeply compelling or hysterically funny.”

As a life-long singer/songwriter, m.e. wrote and performed the film’s theme song: “Shane came up with the title – I immediately thought of a James Bond type of melody hook and grabbed my guitar.”

m.e. is excited about the opportunity to screen Wiener Takes All at the Wienerfest Home County Festival, to participate in a question and answer segment with the audience and to perform, among other original works, the film’s title song.

“I am so touched by any organization that rescues animals – domestic, wild or farm. I even have a special song, Sore Paws and Broken Wings, specifically about animal rescuers. It’s a cause very, very dear to my heart. I am thrilled to be part of WienerFest 2016 and to lend my voice to the cause.” m.e. said.

The movie will screen 3 times in the Large Hall, on the event grounds (door across from outdoor events).

Ticket & film DVD sales at the door. m.e. is donating a portion of ticket and DVD sales to the cause.

  • Movie ticket (all day pass) is $5
  • Movie ticket (all day pass) + DVD of the film is $15
  • DVD without ticket purchase $15 at Wienerfest only, limited number available.
  • Online DVD purchase price $23.95 + S&H.

Buy a ticket and you may stay for an entire viewing or as long as you like and drop by later for more.

There will be 2 Question & Answer segments with the movie’s co-producer, m.e. law and she will perform the movie’s title song plus a few other original tunes.

m.e. law website:
Wiener Takes All website:

Contact: Linda Turner, publicist for m.e. law, for more information or to book an interview with m.e.
Ph: 519-518-8155